Release Notes for Ext JS 5.0.0 Beta
Release Date: April 2, 2014
Version Number:
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (1)
EXTJSIV-12708 Key Feed Viewer example does not load, TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'b.getKeyNav.enable()')
- Bind (3)
EXTJSIV-12454 Cannot bind tab title using view model
EXTJSIV-12660 Formulas cannot be inherited from a mixin
EXTJSIV-12765 KitchenSink binding formulas example throws error
- Button (2)
EXTJSIV-11967 Kitchen Sink Buttons - In the classic theme the buttons have two icons
EXTJSIV-12684 Kitchen Sink - Multisort DataView Example sort buttons(Type, Name) are not working correctly on iPad
- Charts (37)
EXTJSIV-11907 Save chart button not working
EXTJSIV-12125 Chart component stops displaying
EXTJSIV-12126 Charts Series do not hide correctly via the legends
EXTJSIV-12211 On hiding series via chart legend, the charts doesn't reappear correctly
EXTJSIV-12267 Users should be able to use chart.items config to add custom sprites to the chart.
EXTJSIV-12273 Charts: Line series Markers are not displayed
EXTJSIV-12275 Charts: Axis label renderers don't work
EXTJSIV-12278 Charts: Interactions don't work
EXTJSIV-12280 Charts: Implement the 'clockwise' config to control the sense of rotation of the Pie slices
EXTJSIV-12281 Charts: Polar chart labels are clipped
EXTJSIV-12328 Legend item titles don't update correctly when series titles do
EXTJSIV-12341 Save Chart button stops working on 'Custom Pie chart' example
EXTJSIV-12354 Charts: animations are broken
EXTJSIV-12381 The downloaded image does not have format
EXTJSIV-12392 Touch Charts labels on Pie chart doesn't fit correctly
EXTJSIV-12428 Line chart with Image markers not loading markers
EXTJSIV-12448 Charts do not reconfigure properly using a store bind from the viewModel
EXTJSIV-12490 Download chart issues in IE9, IE10, IE11
EXTJSIV-12516 Kitchen sink crashes when selecting Interactive Dash example
EXTJSIV-12519 3D pie chart rare refreshing error
EXTJSIV-12564 Chart legend does not layout properly when items are added to the store
EXTJSIV-12566 Charts Kitchen Sink - Chart does not download
EXTJSIV-12590 Chart interactions don't work
EXTJSIV-12643 Chart does not redraw when the store changes
EXTJSIV-12709 Charts Kitchen Sink - After pressing Save Chart Button the Chart Preview does not load correctly on iPad(iOS 7.1)
EXTJSIV-12724 Broken dialog in basic charts example
EXTJSIV-12726 Visual jitter effect when enabling/disabling legend items in charts
EXTJSIV-12727 3D column chart axis intermittently displays
EXTJSIV-12743 Charts with Zoom will not zoom on first click
EXTJSIV-12745 Charts downloaded image has no background
EXTJSIV-12751 Combination Charts - Interactive Dashboard labels visually cut off
EXTJSIV-12768 Charts throw JS error due to getId accessing this.initialConfig
EXTJSIV-12784 Touch Charts "save chart" button not working in Firefox
EXTJSIV-12826 IE8: Legacy Charts Array.indexOf unsupported throughout examples
EXTJSIV-12827 Legacy Charts labels on Pie chart doesn't fit correctly
EXTJSIV-12846 Ticks should never render at axis intersection points.
EXTJSIV-12874 Labels are not rendered in bar series.
- Cmd (2)
EXTJSIV-11772 Mixins cannot reliably be overridden in dev mode
EXTJSIV-12382 KitchenSink buttons examples fail due to missing table layout in build output
- Core (13)
EXTJSIV-9348 Ext.onReady(function(){console.log('ready!');}, null, {delay: 500}) causes infinite loop
EXTJSIV-11842 Dom publisher does not automatically remove all of its listeners on window unload
EXTJSIV-12043 Gestures stop working when an element is removed from the DOM mid-gesture.
EXTJSIV-12300 Image Organizer throws error when adding images to folders
EXTJSIV-12447 New loader metadata not yet present in ext.js and ext-debug.js - use ext-all for now.
EXTJSIV-12546 Kitchen Sink - Drag And Drop fails
EXTJSIV-12561 data.Connection::upload method uses Flyweight to set 'load' listener on IFRAME
EXTJSIV-12596 ComponentQuery throws an error when loadMask:true is specified on some child component
EXTJSIV-12774 Updating HTML content does not always refresh touch scroller to make that content available.
EXTJSIV-12788 Element.repaint timer exceeds life of the Element
EXTJSIV-12789 IE11 now uses standard CSS API breaking old IE workarounds
EXTJSIV-12924 Standalone in-page examples scroll the document when a component is touchscrolled
EXTJSIV-9267 XTemplate applyOut should not swallow exceptions
- Data (11)
EXTJSIV-11557 Modifying model instance field can change defaultValue
EXTJSIV-12237 Store does not serialize sorters unless there is a grouper too.
EXTJSIV-12398 In Data Binding, Formulas doesn't calculate correctly in IE9, IE10 and IE11
EXTJSIV-12466 KS - Advanced Data examples crash KS
EXTJSIV-12565 Store sort is not toggling/promoting existing sorters
EXTJSIV-12592 Date field in a Model returns string instead of Date object
EXTJSIV-12595 Grouping does not work on BufferedStore
EXTJSIV-12658 Collection#itemChanged when changing a field which changes position reports the wrong index in the itemchange events.
EXTJSIV-12673 Binding traversal of associations ignores nested data that's already there
EXTJSIV-12905 BufferedStore does not respond to remoteFilter:true or remoteSort:true
EXTJSIV-12913 cell to cell DnD example, grid showing NAN value
- DataView (8)
EXTJSIV-12062 Unable to close Image chooser
EXTJSIV-12063 Unable to resize window dataview
EXTJSIV-12066 Unable to select insert image button
EXTJSIV-12215 Advanced DataView Example crashes often
EXTJSIV-12266 Dataview Chooser example fails to load
EXTJSIV-12372 Dataview Example fails to load correctly.
EXTJSIV-12475 Animated DataView Example fails to load due to 'size is not defined' error
EXTJSIV-12518 Multiselect DataView example not scrolling
- Direct (2)
EXTJSIV-12030 The accordion does not fit well to the screen
EXTJSIV-12401 Direct Tree example crashes
- Draw (3)
EXTJSIV-12217 Draw Examples IE8 Images not displaying
EXTJSIV-12309 Rotate text Example not rotated
EXTJSIV-12481 Sprite does not call Observable constructor
- Events (1)
EXTJSIV-12835 Gestures do not work in IE10/11 when the gesture target is inside a scrollable container
- Examples (59)
EXTJSIV-12031 Styles not being applied correctly on 'Checkbox / Radio Groups' sample
EXTJSIV-12044 KS - Slider example ghost images on Ipad
EXTJSIV-12047 Styles not being applied correctly on 'Rest Proxy' example
EXTJSIV-12059 Input errors/calendar are not in dutch
EXTJSIV-12061 Some fields in fieldcontainer example are clipped on iPad
EXTJSIV-12064 Error icon not displaying correctly on registration form example
EXTJSIV-12075 Layout browser example scrollbar not working on details panel
EXTJSIV-12087 Title Update Error in Reconfigure Grid example
EXTJSIV-12088 Clicking the RTL button on the examples' theme picker seems to crash the page
EXTJSIV-12102 Closing the theme/ RTL switcher in Examples leaves behind its shadow
EXTJSIV-12106 Some text gets clipped in the multisort dataview example on tablets
EXTJSIV-12112 5.x Resizable Examples page styling is off
EXTJSIV-12123 Scroll not working on 'Custom Drag and Drop' example
EXTJSIV-12136 State example has clipped text on tablets
EXTJSIV-12150 Feed Viewer - Can not disable summary View
EXTJSIV-12151 Events do not render in Calendar example
EXTJSIV-12152 Incorrect Calendar example display
EXTJSIV-12153 Portal example overlapping problem
EXTJSIV-12209 Feed viewer - Tab scroller issue
EXTJSIV-12230 Can't add feed by URL on MVC Feed Viewer example
EXTJSIV-12238 Advanced DataView example filter bar error
EXTJSIV-12302 Calendar Example IE10,IE11 issues
EXTJSIV-12303 Calendar Example drag events issue
EXTJSIV-12316 Can't edit form label on 'Editor' example
EXTJSIV-12349 Multiple Language example cannot load
EXTJSIV-12407 Simple-Tasks example fails to load
EXTJSIV-12458 Simple Task Example cannot save the task or new item
EXTJSIV-12463 Remote Summary grid example fails to load
EXTJSIV-12471 Custom form example not loading
EXTJSIV-12521 Live Search Grid Example looks cut
EXTJSIV-12539 Ticket App example crashes
EXTJSIV-12547 Toolbar with Menus - Button with Menu does not show completely in Crisp theme
EXTJSIV-12617 Custom Layouts-> Abolsute Layout form looks cut
EXTJSIV-12654 Hard Deprecation of triggerField breaks 5 examples
EXTJSIV-12662 Examples ( DD / UX) call deprecated methods
EXTJSIV-12668 Vertical Slider does not work - Slider Example
EXTJSIV-12674 Form Field Types Example fails to load
EXTJSIV-12685 File upload field button displaying incorrectly
EXTJSIV-12693 Kithcensink uses single quote in app.json
EXTJSIV-12701 Header Text is clipped - Drag/Drop Zones Example
EXTJSIV-12710 Rest Proxy Example puts incorrect id after add new row, id should be number type
EXTJSIV-12716 Feed Viewer only loads the title of a post after adding a new Feed on iPad no content nor author is shown.
EXTJSIV-12717 Combination Example - Right-to-Left(RTL) is not loading, throws a console error on all browsers
EXTJSIV-12721 Panel header w/ no title and wrong icon color
EXTJSIV-12722 View tab looks like a button in Crisp and needs an improved tooltip
EXTJSIV-12734 Simple Task Example doesn't load
EXTJSIV-12744 Examples layout issue with IE11 on laptop/small screens
EXTJSIV-12754 Feed Viewer example tree listing items need more space in Neptune and Crisp
EXTJSIV-12791 Legacy Charts Kitchen Sink - Interative Dashboard - throws a console error on all browsers
EXTJSIV-12809 Search field in the KS example does not clear
EXTJSIV-12816 The fieldcontainer is Clipped - FieldContainer Example
EXTJSIV-12855 Adding a new group to user in Ticket App example removes all other groups
EXTJSIV-12856 Top of ticket display is clipped in Ticket App edit ticket
EXTJSIV-12859 Cannot double click to drill down on My Active Tickets in Ticket App
EXTJSIV-12884 Grid filter menu input field icons are not displayed
EXTJSIV-12885 Grid filter menu is shown as empty
EXTJSIV-12894 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded - Widget Grid - KS
EXTJSIV-12907 Grouped Grid example should be resized
EXTJSIV-12931 Ticket App fails to login - missing required classes
- Forms (30)
EXTJSIV-10148 In iPad browser form fields don't focus or show virtual keyboard when tapped
EXTJSIV-11932 Can't see age numberfield on 'Named Arguments' sample
EXTJSIV-12068 Form number 3 becomes unusable
EXTJSIV-12069 Text editors appear disabled
EXTJSIV-12071 Tooltip error message displays on the bottom of the screen
EXTJSIV-12137 File upload in form examples throws error
EXTJSIV-12140 The item selector doesn't display correctly
EXTJSIV-12263 Contact form. Tooltip icons not displaying
EXTJSIV-12355 Changes to record fields do not always trigger change event
EXTJSIV-12366 XML form example broken
EXTJSIV-12380 The textbox doesn't work in IE10 and IE11
EXTJSIV-12387 Date/Month Picker example looks cut
EXTJSIV-12473 Vbox form example scrolling issues
EXTJSIV-12500 KS- Login form: Wrong Field styling, IE10/11 inputs Inoperable
EXTJSIV-12515 Typing into the textarea in Field Types example throws error on IE9
EXTJSIV-12606 Reimplement text field "size" config with deprecated warning
EXTJSIV-12608 FieldContainer calculates incorrect owner height when shrink wrapping
EXTJSIV-12609 "side" and "under" aligned form field errors do not lay out correctly when the field has labelAlign: 'top'
EXTJSIV-12610 TextArea is not sized correctly on IE8/9
EXTJSIV-12611 BoxSelect is sized incorrectly on initial layout
EXTJSIV-12612 Make sure labelWidth and labelPad behave in ways that are compatible with 4.x
EXTJSIV-12665 Contact Form Example does not layout correctly
EXTJSIV-12677 Kitchen sink- contact form looks cut, Message text box can't see completely
EXTJSIV-12680 Can not choose radiogroup in all examples on kitchen sink---Safari
EXTJSIV-12681 Textarea does not display correctly - Absolute Layout with Forms Example
EXTJSIV-12758 Radio button visual checked state only correct while the radio button has focus.
EXTJSIV-12808 Combo does not publish initial empty value
EXTJSIV-12818 Kitchen sink\ CheckOut form is completely cut
EXTJSIV-12848 TimeWorked is not working in Field container example, can not choose +/- buttons to add hours and mins
EXTJSIV-12956 Sliders do not update their bound values
- Grid (52)
EXTJSIV-11936 After I move a column, I cannot move another
EXTJSIV-12015 In theme Crisp the table size is very small, cannot be visualized
EXTJSIV-12017 Drag and Drop fails on all grids and Trees in IE10/11
EXTJSIV-12022 Can't use columns down arrow options for sorting/locking/unlocking
EXTJSIV-12025 KS - Cell editing example fails to load grid
EXTJSIV-12028 The menu of the column only is visible in the last column(Android)
EXTJSIV-12035 KS - Row Expander example fails to expand rows
EXTJSIV-12046 Select all checkbox not working on touch devices
EXTJSIV-12055 Cell editing example doesn't load correctly
EXTJSIV-12128 Locking Grid display issues
EXTJSIV-12228 The border of the tooltip in the Sliding Pager example stay in all the kitchen sink
EXTJSIV-12295 The menu of the grids doesn't work in iOs 7.0.4
EXTJSIV-12296 The example of infinite scroll stops the scrolling
EXTJSIV-12307 Grouping/summaries broken
EXTJSIV-12312 Drag-and-drop target DOM element is incorrect in IE10/11
EXTJSIV-12314 Hospital drag and drop fails on IE10/11
EXTJSIV-12330 Can't sort property grid on 'Complex Layout' example
EXTJSIV-12351 Property grid cell editing is canceled wrongly in certain situations
EXTJSIV-12368 paging grid example & Infinite Scrolling with remote filtering examples broken
EXTJSIV-12369 Row editing grid example unable to add employee
EXTJSIV-12370 Buffered Grid example - jump to row not working
EXTJSIV-12371 Locking Group Grid with Summary fails to load
EXTJSIV-12396 Browser State Management example doesn't remember sort state of the grid
EXTJSIV-12399 The menu of the grids is displayed when you click for resize- IE10 IE11
EXTJSIV-12429 Editable big data Grid crashes Kitchen Sink when using filters
EXTJSIV-12459 Custom Grid Filters Example not loading
EXTJSIV-12460 Summary grid example summary broken
EXTJSIV-12461 Infinite scroll grid example fails to load
EXTJSIV-12464 Locking, Group Summary Grid Example fails to load
EXTJSIV-12478 sort_desc.gif and sort_asc.gif not found on Multiple grid sorting example
EXTJSIV-12522 Kitchen Sink - Stock Ticker - Grid starts flashing when attempting to sort columns
EXTJSIV-12524 Kitchen Sink - Widget Grid - Slider Column does not sort
EXTJSIV-12532 Multiple sort Grid sorts incorrectly when clicking the tab to sort
EXTJSIV-12603 Grid Plugins Example - error when expanding rows
EXTJSIV-12622 Fields don't stretch to cell size using cell editing.
EXTJSIV-12655 Grouping Feature does not react properly to moving of record from one group to another.
EXTJSIV-12663 Kitchen sink crashes after clicking the Sliding pager example - TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'h.inputContext.getPaddingInfo')
EXTJSIV-12731 has no method 'getPageX' - Multiple grid sorting example
EXTJSIV-12762 Scrolling to a certain row in a grid does not sync the touch scroller
EXTJSIV-12764 Widget grid example throws JS error
EXTJSIV-12775 Hiding grid preview leaves touch scroller in incorrect state
EXTJSIV-12782 Dragging slider in widget grid does not update the other widgets.
EXTJSIV-12783 Grid paging example throws error
EXTJSIV-12794 Cannot call method 'getStyle' of null - Infinite Scrolling with remote filtering
EXTJSIV-12810 TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'h.apply(a||,b)') after placing the mouse's pointer over the graph on Rating column in KitchenSink/Grid/BigData
EXTJSIV-12811 Status of 404 (Not Found) after try to edit a row in KitchenSink/Grid/BigData
EXTJSIV-12872 TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'operation.records[0]') after delete a row in Rest Proxy Example
EXTJSIV-12877 Widget grid causes flicker on iPad when slider dragged and other columns updated.
EXTJSIV-12912 The "Show in groups" menu option injected by the Grouping Feature is not working.
EXTJSIV-12922 On Win8 (touchscroll AND scrollbars), the buffered rendering scroll area stretcher is not sized.
EXTJSIV-12957 KS Big Data Example Crashes Kitchen SInk
EXTJSIV-8917 RowEditor does not position properly in RTL
- Layouts (9)
EXTJSIV-12395 The regions do not fit well in layout border example
EXTJSIV-12416 VBox layout fails when used with viewport
EXTJSIV-12445 Layout browser example won't load due to missing file
EXTJSIV-12467 Center layout is generating layout failures in Layout browser example
EXTJSIV-12541 Custom Layouts-> Center Example not working
EXTJSIV-12761 Toolbar overflow example, toolbar disappearing when resizing or selecting checkbox
EXTJSIV-12777 HtmlEditor with overflowing menu items fails to layout successfully after initial layout
EXTJSIV-12867 Form layout with shrinkwrap width expands to infinity
EXTJSIV-7497 Form layout with shrink-wrapping in either dimension produces a layout failure
- Locale (2)
EXTJSIV-12597 Fix Latvian language locale
EXTJSIV-12733 Multi Lang example does not change language, components are always in english
- MVC (5)
EXTJSIV-10482 Action in route has action argument
EXTJSIV-12413 Keyboard Navigation example looks bad in Opera19
EXTJSIV-12446 HasMany.js and BelongsTo.js not found on Nested Loading example
EXTJSIV-12529 Data binding not working in sencha generated app w Cmd v5.0.0.71
EXTJSIV-5006 suspendEvents did not affect to
- Menu (3)
EXTJSIV-11948 Scrolling menu doesn't work on browsers other than Chrome
EXTJSIV-12005 Can't see whole menu in 'Toolbar with Menus' sample
EXTJSIV-12317 toolbar with menus - Some components fail to load
- Misc (1)
EXTJSIV-5258 Documented config allowContainerDrops is not implemented
- Panel (2)
EXTJSIV-10256 On iPad browser, Accordion flickers after each collapse/expand
EXTJSIV-12289 Portal Example unable to move windows
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJSIV-12883 Grid selection binding is not updated when selected record is removed
- Tabs (2)
EXTJSIV-12293 Tab fonts in Crisp theme look bold on IE9
EXTJSIV-12845 Tab Panel renders/activates children during removeAll
- Theme (2)
EXTJSIV-12763 Close icons difficult to see in Crisp theme
EXTJSIV-12939 HtmlEditor "right align" and "center align" button icons are switched round in the toolbar and menu.
- ToolTips (3)
EXTJSIV-12108 Tooltips do not vanish
EXTJSIV-12250 The description of the elements doesn't show in tree reorder Example
EXTJSIV-12819 Tooltips do not display in any validation form
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJSIV-12060 Vertical Toolbar Example fails to load
- Tree (18)
EXTJSIV-10569 KS - Tree Reorder and other Tree examples not fully displayed
EXTJSIV-10814 NodeInterface.appendChild() should NOT update the view for every new child node.
EXTJSIV-11810 Tree filtering leaves connector lines wrong.
EXTJSIV-12117 Can't drop 'Child' nodes
EXTJSIV-12139 KS - Heterogeneous Tree doesn't add items in correct order
EXTJSIV-12236 TreeModel's internal fields not being converted when raw data is string
EXTJSIV-12374 Tree column sort fails with infinite recursion
EXTJSIV-12403 Unable to drag and drop nodes
EXTJSIV-12405 Locking buffered rendered tree grid performance/view Issue
EXTJSIV-12406 KS - Basic Trees example breaks all other Tree examples
EXTJSIV-12432 treegrid.json not found on Tree Grid example
EXTJSIV-12433 check-nodes.json not found on Check Tree example
EXTJSIV-12436 Add Region button not working in Heterogeneous Tree example
EXTJSIV-12499 BufferedRenderer gets out of sync when removing large numbers of records in the rendered range
EXTJSIV-12508 Kitchen sink- Tree grid crashes when try to edit
EXTJSIV-12526 Kitchen Sink - Tree Reorder - The Tree disappear when pressing Collapse All on iPad
EXTJSIV-12534 Kitchen Sink Example - Two Tree, cant move folder
EXTJSIV-12815 Kitchen sink crashes when sorting by user in Filtered tree example, TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'v.parentNode')
- Window (2)
EXTJSIV-12802 Windows are shifted when the browser is resized.
EXTJSIV-12918 Layout window Example, panel separator/resizer not rendering.
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.2.1
Release Date: May 16, 2013
Version Number:
The final release of Ext JS 4.2.1 contains numerous fixes and small
enhancements requested by customers and the community. While the
details are below, there are several items worth calling out.
New Big Data Example
The new
Big Data example shows off all of the major grid features
and plugins working together in a single grid. It also shows off a
text field in a grid column header! Head over and check it out!
Sencha Cmd 3.1.2
To coincide with this release, Sencha Cmd 3.1.2 is also now available.
The primary change with regards to Cmd is that the packages produced
by Ext JS now stay inside the "ext" folder when you generate a new
application or workspace. The "ext-*" packages previous saved to your
"packages" folder can be removed. For details see the
release notes
for Sencha Cmd 3.1.2. If you are using Sencha Cmd, it is
recommended that you upgrade to the new version.
Locale Package Consolidation
In Ext JS 4.2.0 we migrated the locale files in to Sencha Cmd packages
to facilitate switching between locales. The downside is that this
produced a lot of small packages that needed to be required in your
"app.json" (or used as pure JS files). As an enhancement to
this process in Ext JS 4.2.1 we have consolidated all of the locales
into the ext-locale package. The legacy file paths are still
preserved, but if you are using locale packages, you can now just do
this in your "app.json" file:
"requires": [
You will still need to set app.locale to pick up the proper
locale overrides. They are just all located in the one package in
this release.
New Features
- Core (1)
EXTJSIV-8123 Enhance Ext.util.Format.fileSize to calculate gigabytes (GB)
- Layouts (1)
EXTJSIV-9509 A splitter's collapseOnDblClick cannot be disabled via the object's config
- Locale (1)
EXTJSIV-9653 Locales should be consolidated to a single ext-locale package instead of requiring each locale independently
- Misc (1)
EXTJSIV-9389 Add SASS variables that can be used to prevent "default" UIs from being generated.
Total: 4
Bugs Fixed
- Button (3)
EXTJSIV-9323 Focus is not set on buttons in IE
EXTJSIV-9658 Button layout fails when button component height is too small
EXTJSIV-9864 Disabled buttons can still receive focus using TAB
- Charts (4)
EXTJSIV-7235 Series label color is not applied and location is incorrect
EXTJSIV-9393 Series instance cannot be initialized properly
EXTJSIV-9422 Issues with custom font, padding, itemSpacing of chart legend box
EXTJSIV-9536 Stacked Column Chart with Missing Y Value has Incorrect Maximum
- Core (10)
EXTJSIV-8286 Element.switchOff() and other animation methods do not call users callback on complete
EXTJSIV-8764 Element.on/un and Observable.un should accept function names as Observable.on does
EXTJSIV-9339 TextMetrics ignores container styles
EXTJSIV-9405 CSS reset style rule remains on the body that sets border box
EXTJSIV-9469 Ext.Date format creates global variables
EXTJSIV-9535 Ext.util.Format.number incorrect result with custom locale and value < 1000
EXTJSIV-9590 mouseoverItem in Ext.view.View
EXTJSIV-9604 Ext.clone needs hasOwnProperty check for IE browsers with enumerable bug
EXTJSIV-9630 Ext.destroy should support destroying stores
EXTJSIV-9689 Resizable: resize handles are always transparent
- Data (6)
EXTJSIV-8977 PagingMemoryProxy's load mask is never removed
EXTJSIV-9326 The removeAll method does not completely clear a buffered store
EXTJSIV-9523 Changing id in filtered store skips snapshot
EXTJSIV-9550 Store removeAll doesn't clear snapshot
EXTJSIV-9811 Stores configured with autoDestroy: true may produce JavaScript errors in certain cases
EXTJSIV-9815 AbstractMixedCollection does not filter out records with duplicate id's when added in bulk
- Direct (3)
EXTJSIV-7766 Timeout is ignored if form is submitted with DirectSubmit
EXTJSIV-9250 DirectLoad and DirectSubmit actions should resolve Direct methods on first call
EXTJSIV-9295 Direct PollProvider does not handle erroneous input properly
- Documentation (7)
EXTJSIV-7521 Lockable mixin is not listed for Grid in the docs
EXTJSIV-8004 Documentation on #SenchaCmd for #ExtJS doesn't mention to use latest version of #SenchaSDK tools. Can easily get caught
EXTJSIV-8487 Ext.Component.afterRender marked as private
EXTJSIV-8488 Ext.dd.DragZone.destroy should be marked public
EXTJSIV-9294 Ext.ComponentQuery needs more documentation
EXTJSIV-9636 name should be documented as mandatory
EXTJSIV-9659 The Building Themes for ExtJS guide is empty
- Draw (2)
EXTJSIV-9786 Drawing: Re sizable Sencha Logo: Displaying JS Error on Loading the example on IE9 Browser.
EXTJSIV-9795 Drawing : Browser Logos : Displaying JS error upon closing the Draw component panel.
- Events (1)
EXTJSIV-9261 Observable.observe does not capture events properly
- Examples (2)
EXTJSIV-9654 Basic Templating example has incorrect XTemplate statement
EXTJSIV-9757 Combination Examples: Web Desktop : Displaying JS error while selecting options from the menu.
- Forms (17)
EXTJSIV-7355 numberfield's autoStripChars does not work on numbers with exponents such as "1e42"
EXTJSIV-7792 Forms scrolls in window in Chrome
EXTJSIV-8006 Combobox field value not correct on select event when leaving field using mouse click
EXTJSIV-8067 HtmlEditor - tabbing into editor field in Internet Explorer 9 throws error
EXTJSIV-8158 Triggerfield height can not be adjusted with setHeight()
EXTJSIV-8278 Background color does not follow growing text
EXTJSIV-8542 htmleditor places a "br" tag in the editor field after pressing the source edit button in firefox
EXTJSIV-9303 HtmlEditor throws JS error when selecting certain toolbar items with selected text on IE
EXTJSIV-9439 Loading large amount of data in the HtmlEditor locks up FF19 / FF20
EXTJSIV-9487 Default 'x-form-file-wrap' class not applied to filefield when form contains a fieldBodyCls in fieldDefaults
EXTJSIV-9501 HTMLEditor - setValue does not work when component is not rendered
EXTJSIV-9527 HtmlEditor causes form isDirty() to be true
EXTJSIV-9555 combineLabels does not work
EXTJSIV-9558 In tabbed panel, data doesn't load in HtmlEditor
EXTJSIV-9603 Combo is too slow when loading a large amount of items
EXTJSIV-9641 FieldSet fieldvaliditychange and fielderrorchange don't fire
EXTJSIV-9766 Double clicking on editor causes: NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER
- Grid (44)
EXTJSIV-5245 Grid column lines are shown for hidden columns if RowExpander is used
EXTJSIV-5543 focus is lost on an active cell editor in an editable grid
EXTJSIV-6294 When tabbing quickly through cell editing, the cell editor drops out of edit mode (intermittent)
EXTJSIV-6734 Hidden grid column's height is not properly measured when wordwrap is used
EXTJSIV-7331 HeaderContainer defaults doesn't work if there is a column with locked: true
EXTJSIV-7437 GridFilters feature doesn't work for unlocked columns
EXTJSIV-7855 Setting a value in a grid removes focus from textfield
EXTJSIV-8795 Grids lose horizontal scroll position on row focus in IE
EXTJSIV-8910 Grid filters aren't taking a lockingPartner into account when filtering
EXTJSIV-9001 VERY slow tree grid on second load with bufferedrenderer plugin
EXTJSIV-9095 blur() not firing when pressing tab to leave datefield grid cell editor
EXTJSIV-9130 Bufferedrenderer can lose track of scroll position if user scrolls grid rapidly
EXTJSIV-9139 Buffered renderer crashes when modifying store before rendered
EXTJSIV-9262 drag/drop plugins cause grid focus and scrollbar reset with prevent focus
EXTJSIV-9367 Cell beforeedit event is fired twice when clicking on an editable cell
EXTJSIV-9376 Grid RowExpander does not work with locking enabled
EXTJSIV-9379 Grid performance with many columns and editing
EXTJSIV-9380 Grid column lines not synced with header in locked+grouped sample
EXTJSIV-9382 Load mask disappears too soon when buffered store loads pages.
EXTJSIV-9385 Tab key not working on grid cell edit with group feature, but ungrouped store
EXTJSIV-9390 GridPanel reconfigure does not refresh the data on reconfigure if there's a buffered renderer plugin.
EXTJSIV-9397 Grids: Infinite Grid: Vertical scroll bar size increases after sorting any columns
EXTJSIV-9402 forceFit calculations being applied too late upon reconfigure.
EXTJSIV-9406 Grid not displaying emptyText when container layout 'auto'
EXTJSIV-9411 Meta config example throws errors on mouseover after reloading metadata
EXTJSIV-9426 Ellipsis no longer appear in grid column header when column title is long
EXTJSIV-9438 Nested column headers do not get the correct height when using white-space:normal
EXTJSIV-9453 Resizing last column of grid throws error
EXTJSIV-9454 Hiding a wide column in a crowded forceFit grid can shrink the column upon show.
EXTJSIV-9457 Auto align feature on column divider incorrect in IE in some cases
EXTJSIV-9475 Kitchen Sink: Grids: Big Data: Emptying cell data under 'Name' column and then clicking on 'Update' button under row editor displays JS error
EXTJSIV-9476 Kitchen Sink: Grids: Big Data: Drag and drop 'Notice Period' column into locked area displays JS error
EXTJSIV-9532 Column widths go wrong with hidden column and forcefit true
EXTJSIV-9562 Grid summary columns not resizing/behaving same as regular grid columns
EXTJSIV-9595 Kitchen Sink: Big Data: Locking the 'Absences' group displays JS error
EXTJSIV-9637 Row Grouping Grid with locked column presents incorrect row alignment with large datasets
EXTJSIV-9662 Combination Examples: Kitchen Sink: Grouped Grid: Expanding a group for second time displays JS error
EXTJSIV-9691 RowEditor should flip its buttons to the top when there is not room to scroll them into view.
EXTJSIV-9756 Combination Examples: Kitchen sink: Drag and Drop: Grid to form: The swapping and the Drag and Drop Functionality is not working on IE10 Browser.
EXTJSIV-9804 Grid doesn't check hidden state in hide/show
EXTJSIV-9805 Column events not fired correctly
EXTJSIV-9819 collapseAll() and expandAll() create circular logic that locks up the browser when a grid is grouped and locked
EXTJSIV-9851 Grouping doubles up on expand / collapse when buffer rendered and data fits within view height.
EXTJSIV-9860 Kitchen sink: Big Data: Collapsing a group displays JS error
- Layouts (6)
EXTJSIV-7407 Adding a collapsed region to a border layout throws an error
EXTJSIV-8000 Borders problem with collapsible and 'mini' collapseMode within border layout
EXTJSIV-9272 Anchor and Column layouts have unnecessary gap for scrolling
EXTJSIV-9305 Anchor layout does not exclude scrollbar width when the autoScroll=true and anchor=100%
EXTJSIV-9401 In some cases constraints like minHeight can cause layout failures
EXTJSIV-9714 Layout Managers: Complex Layout: The field is void in editable mode when switched using "Tab" key in keyboard.
- Locale (3)
EXTJSIV-7179 Missing translation for TextField blankText config in cs locale
EXTJSIV-7426 Locale override remains in German Locale file and comments state they should be removed for 4.1.x
EXTJSIV-9580 Polish translation targets msg property of AbstractView for localized text but should be loadingText
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-9486 Application inheritance does not work properly
- Menu (1)
EXTJSIV-9296 Menu with floating false is not positioned properly in right aligned HTML
- Misc (3)
EXTJSIV-8419 MessageBox does not respect construction-time configs vs those passed to each show call
EXTJSIV-9391 LTR scrolling is not handled correctly when RTL overrides are included
EXTJSIV-9877 RowNumberer column header shows ellipsis in IE8
- Panel (1)
EXTJSIV-9823 the *-{ui} class is not being added to the header of a panel
- Selection Model (3)
EXTJSIV-9003 Grid selection range doesn't select correctly
EXTJSIV-9288 Row selection model does not handle vetoed mousedown events
EXTJSIV-9357 No way to restrict method of deselection in single selection model to ctrl+click as it was in previous versions
- Tabs (2)
EXTJSIV-7337 Nested tab panels don't maintain constraint or masking with windows
EXTJSIV-9625 Side tabs throw exception if tabs are hidden initially.
- Theme (4)
EXTJSIV-8453 Tree lines have 1px gaps in Neptune theme
EXTJSIV-8749 Neptune - Create color variables for Global Error (red) and Confirmation (green)
EXTJSIV-9423 Accessibility theme needs tool icons for window move and resize
EXTJSIV-9824 There is no variable to control the base path of resources used in the CSS output
- ToolTips (2)
EXTJSIV-8824 Tooltip cuts off content on Chrome
EXTJSIV-8935 Tooltips aligning using left origin when in RTL mode
- Tree (8)
EXTJSIV-8327 Ext.tree.Panel ignores value of Ext.enableFx
EXTJSIV-9229 remote tree node expand not take proxy.extraParams set at beforeexpand
EXTJSIV-9414 Dropping to tree from grid causes JavaScript error due to nodeHighlightOnDrop
EXTJSIV-9462 Tree node arrow in IE10 do not show expand state properly
EXTJSIV-9511 beforeitemsexpand should fire before beforeload
EXTJSIV-9515 expandAll's callback is called for the last node in every descendant non-leaf
EXTJSIV-9798 Trees : Locking Tree Grid: Unable to check or uncheck the check boxes under "Done" column when any of the columns are hidden
EXTJSIV-9832 Combination exampes: Kitchen Sink: Trees: Two Trees: Unable to expand/collapse & move on the folder in the tree panel in a specific scenario.
Total: 133
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.2.1 Beta 1
Release Date: April 10, 2013
Version Number:
New Features
- Core (2)
EXTJSIV-7969 There should be an easy way to reset a color picker
EXTJSIV-9019 constrainTo needs an option to restrict keep constrained item away from outer edges of the area
- Examples (1)
EXTJSIV-9276 Add usage of RowExpander to KS BigData grid example.
- Forms (1)
EXTJSIV-8947 ComboBox should have anyMatch and caseSensitive options
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-9070 Controllers loaded from other controllers should be supported
Total: 5
Bugs Fixed
- Core (7)
EXTJSIV-8568 getPlugin fails if plugins is not declared as an array
EXTJSIV-9049 Date parse using "m/Y" format wraps "end of month" into "next month" depending on current date
EXTJSIV-9101 Box layout's menu overflow handler puts overflow menu at right in RTL mode. Should go on left.
EXTJSIV-9122 Capturing listeners aren't removed from DOM element in Ext.EventManager.removeListener()
EXTJSIV-9151 Ext.util.MixedCollection.sortByKey does not work
EXTJSIV-9240 Container insert and move methods do not respect component instances vs indexes
EXTJSIV-9342 Container does not recurse into floatingItems in getRefItems breaking ComponentQuery for floating descendants
- Data (4)
EXTJSIV-9074 Combo does not respect autoLoad:false with remote filter
EXTJSIV-9176 Updating a record in grouped store, trigger remove action on the store's proxy
EXTJSIV-9184 Configuring a Store with groupField and getGroupString doesn't work.
EXTJSIV-9201 TreeStore setProxy method doesn't return the proxy object
- Direct (1)
EXTJSIV-9333 Direct call doesn't work with buffering disabled in 4.2.0
- Examples (2)
EXTJSIV-9226 Closing theme changer dialog breaks window resizing
EXTJSIV-9232 MVC:Feed Viewer: Adding new feed displays JS error
- Forms (22)
EXTJSIV-7436 Fileupload button doesn't expand height to cover button in tall file field component
EXTJSIV-7764 Ext.form.Panel does not relay updateRecord from BasicForm
EXTJSIV-7836 Display field does not report proper height when text wraps and gets clipped or overlapped
EXTJSIV-7877 Calling setValue on textarea with a numeric value throws JS error
EXTJSIV-8250 Ext.slider.Multi setMinValue and setMaxValue don't fire change event
EXTJSIV-8784 FieldContainer invalidCls causes double error indicators
EXTJSIV-8950 Buttons blur themselves on invocation of their handlers making them and their ancestor hierarchy keyboard-inaccessible
EXTJSIV-8960 File field can overlap things if buttonOnly is true
EXTJSIV-9075 Destroying a combobox does not clean up the KeyNav
EXTJSIV-9100 RTL - form fields on a toolbar are misaligned in IE quirks
EXTJSIV-9168 Items are not always removed from form when destroyed
EXTJSIV-9169 Overflow menu trigger button is placed at right side of editor in RTL mode
EXTJSIV-9182 form.submit() with fileuploadfield does not trigger failure handler for HTTP errors
EXTJSIV-9185 Combobox with large fieldLabel can cause misplacement of picker
EXTJSIV-9237 Slider with increment configured adjusts the maxValue
EXTJSIV-9260 hiddenfield occupies the visile place in the form
EXTJSIV-9266 Combo trackOver:false does not disable overItemCls tracking
EXTJSIV-9274 File input element covers text field and steals clicks displaying file browser
EXTJSIV-9287 Basicform keeps reference of destroyed items
EXTJSIV-9335 Button of file field component does not render correctly in RTL mode
EXTJSIV-9344 Bug with FieldSet and grid cell editing plugin
EXTJSIV-9421 DateField doesn't show the picker inside collapsed region
- Grid (11)
EXTJSIV-5922 Locking, grouping and buffered rendering do not work together.
EXTJSIV-6806 Grid locking and row editing do not work together
EXTJSIV-9077 Grid headers do not have proper gradient stretching when sliced for IE
EXTJSIV-9102 Mouseover row highlighting not working in wrapped rows.
EXTJSIV-9141 After ending cell editing with the Enter key, keyboard navigation no longer works.
EXTJSIV-9195 grid reconfigure without store throws JS error
EXTJSIV-9214 Grid cell edit with group feature not updating values
EXTJSIV-9224 RowExpander doesn't fire events on the proper grid view when locking
EXTJSIV-9251 on grid's record destroy, the selectionchange event is not fired
EXTJSIV-9253 Changing the group field value of a record in a grouped grid throws an error.
EXTJSIV-9268 Ext.grid.Panel allowDeselect config has no effect
- Layouts (3)
EXTJSIV-8553 Text wraps/clips in IE10 (in tooltips for example) because Direct2D rounding bug is not properly detected
EXTJSIV-9116 Hightlight focus doesn't completely cover under overflow menu options
EXTJSIV-9234 Border layout does not apply child margins on reversed sides in RTL
- Locale (1)
EXTJSIV-9340 Datepicker is not picking up localized text properly
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-9105 In controller using views: 'Microsoft.view.MyView' generate many requests
- Menu (2)
EXTJSIV-9099 Grouped menu check items display checkbox
EXTJSIV-9104 MenuManager's mousedown clickhandler doesn't always work on IE
- Misc (1)
EXTJSIV-9143 Ext.isIterable returns true for MixedCollection
- Panel (2)
EXTJSIV-8589 Panel ghost is not assigned the proper z-index in some cases
EXTJSIV-9330 Collapsed panels that need an additional Header do not propagate margins to that header
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJSIV-8279 Error when trying to select a record while using CellModel
- Theme (3)
EXTJSIV-3570 Ext JS 4 Themes - hardcoded variable colors
EXTJSIV-9103 ext-theme-neptune-all-rtl.css exceeds IE's maximum number of rules for a single stylesheet.
EXTJSIV-9160 Toggle buttons in toolbar have incorrect gradients in Gray theme
- Window (2)
EXTJSIV-7262 Window constrain:true inside another window, restoring position problem
EXTJSIV-8291 Ext.Component: show() results in two layout runs if autoRender true
Total: 63
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.2.0 RC 1
Release Date: February 13, 2013
Version Number:
The major new arrival in this release is Neptune! In support
of Neptune there have been many internal changes. The goal was to
preserve the historical structure of the SDK zip as much as possible,
however, there are some noteworthy changes and additions.
At a glance:
- Themes are now organized as "packages" using Sencha Cmd 3.1.
This allows themes to exist as self-contained folders with all
of their required SASS, JavaScript and other resources. Themes
use theme inheritance to share code and resources between each
- All packages exist in the "./packages" folder off the
Ext JS root. Packages contain source for building into your
applications using Sencha Cmd 3.1+ as well as pre-built versions
of CSS and JS files. These are used in "dev mode" or as part of
your application if you are not using Sencha Cmd. The pre-built
content for each package is in its "./build" folder.
- Both the Neptune theme ("ext-theme-neptune") and Classic theme
("ext-theme-classic") extend the Neutral theme ("ext-theme-neutral")
to inherit most of their styling needs. They provide their own
distinct, image assets.
- The Gray ("ext-theme-gray"), Accessibility ("ext-theme-access")
and Classic Sandbox ("ext-theme-classic-sandbox") themes all
extend Classic.
Content changes:
- If you are not using Sencha Cmd to build, then the ideal locations
to pull CSS and image assets from the SDK are the package builds.
For Neptune that is "./packages/ext-theme-neptune/build"
and for Classic "./packages/ext-theme-classic/build".
- The "./resources" folder is a legacy folder that contains
copies of files that now reside in their new home in the
"./packages/ext-theme-classic/build" and related folders.
- New content, such as the Neptune theme, do not exist in the
"./resources" folder.
Changes to theme creation process:
- Compass is still required to build framework themes.
- Creating themes can be accomplished in the old way by importing
the "all.scss" file from the Ext JS theme.
- The ideal approach for building themes is to move the theme to the
new Sencha Cmd 3.1 package format. Following this approach you
will only need to run sencha package build to
produce your theme (including IE image slicing). Sencha Cmd will
handle making all of the required Compass calls for you as well
as process inherited themes.
- To create an empty theme:
sencha -sdk /path/to/ext-4.2.0 generate workspace /path/to/workspace
cd /path/to/workspace
sencha generate package -type=theme mytheme
cd packages/mytheme
See the Sencha Cmd guides
for more details.
- Given an empty theme (as produced above), you need to edit the
"package.json" file to set the base theme by adding an
"extend" property:
"name": "mytheme",
"type": "theme",
"version": "1.0.0",
"compatVersion": "1.0.0",
"extend": "ext-theme-neptune"
- Look for new guides describing this process shortly, but in the
interim, look at how the provided themes are structured as a
Changes to theme creation in SASS:
- Themes provide many more variables to control their styling than
in previous versions.
- While these are being documented, please
refer to the theme's variable definition files found the their
package folder (e.g., "./packages/ext-theme-neptune/sass/var").
These files are organized to precisely match the components to
which they apply. Keep in mind that the variables of base themes
also apply. These will be in their own "./sass/var" folder.
- Most of the variables are defined in the Neutral theme. That is,
in the "ext-theme-neutral" package.
- Most of the mixins are also defined in the Neutral theme. That is,
in the "ext-theme-neutral" package. These are found in the
"./packages/ext-theme-neutral/sass/src" folder. As with
variables, these files match with the respective classes and are
inherited as well.
- Certain core styles that are more than presentation are defined in
the Base theme ("ext-theme-base").
- Many of the high-level mixins (such as the panel mixin) now
encapsulate much more of the process of defining a new "ui" (a
presentation mode of a component, e.g., "default" or "framed").
- As such, calls to them will need to pass more parameters to fully
define the intended "ui" and some rules that had to be manually
duplicated will need to be removed from your SASS.
- Some mixin positional arguments may have changed in some cases.
It is highly recommended to use named parameters when calling
mixins and not positional ones to minimize any such issues.
New Features
- Charts (1)
EXTJSIV-8498 Certain Chart and Legend methods should be refactored for easier overriding
- Cmd (1)
EXTJSIV-8638 Themes need to be Cmd packages so they can provide JavaScript overrides to builds
- Direct (1)
EXTJSIV-4350 Callbacks should be passed options used to make the call
- Grid (2)
EXTJSIV-3940 Grouping Feature is not Stateful
EXTJSIV-8368 RowEditor should support lockable grids
- Theme (6)
EXTJSIV-8383 Themes should not use resetCSS and related scopeResetCSS and styleHtmlContent
EXTJSIV-8632 Deliver Neptune theme (for all browsers IE7+)
EXTJSIV-8633 Themes should be able to inherit easily and cleanly from other themes
EXTJSIV-8639 Buttons and tabs should use simpler markup and be easier to theme
EXTJSIV-8641 SASS Mixins should contain more of the generated styles for their components
EXTJSIV-8642 Date pickers should use simpler markup and be easier to theme
Total: 11
Bugs Fixed
- Charts (2)
EXTJSIV-4757 Setting a chart time axis to have a grid can cause errors with certain step/start val
EXTJSIV-7720 Minimum and maximum should be ignored in stacked charts
- Core (5)
EXTJSIV-8280 Ext.dom.Helper.insertHtml fails in native Windows 8 app
EXTJSIV-8349 Component resizer handles not visible.
EXTJSIV-8418 IE9 navigator.geolocation memory leak (standards mode)
EXTJSIV-8503 MVC removes namespace produced by Cmd optimizer
EXTJSIV-8536 Focus management. Window's mousedown delayed focus timer "wins" over the focus caused by click handler.
- Data (9)
EXTJSIV-6327 Proxies must not be shared between Model super/sub classes. Fix requires user code to call Model.getProxy() to ensure access to a Model's proxy as it is now lazily instantiated when requested (so the proxy *property* may not be a Proxy).
EXTJSIV-6444 Store.isLoading() is wrong from inside Ext.view.View.collectData
EXTJSIV-6981 belongsTo & hasOne association's setters cannot accept record instances.
EXTJSIV-8149 Store removeAll() doesn't work for localstorage
EXTJSIV-8213 loadRawData should not fire load event
EXTJSIV-8227 does not set all fields if extended
EXTJSIV-8272 NodeInterface subclass event firing causes stackoverflow
EXTJSIV-8281 TreeStore cannot remove nodes that were created and saved to server
EXTJSIV-8563 Tree Duplicate Nodes during load if node has expanded:true
- DataView (2)
EXTJSIV-8505 Data View : Displaying JS error while accessing "Data view" and "animated Data view" examples.
EXTJSIV-8506 Data View : Advanced Data view : Insert Image button is displaying in expand mode.
- Documentation (3)
EXTJSIV-7811 Problem in 4.1.x with MS dates in JSON POST to .NET WCF web service
EXTJSIV-8262 DnD: Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop:beforedrop docs incorrect
EXTJSIV-8459 Docs don't clearly state that service only creates PNG images for exported chart data
- Examples (3)
EXTJSIV-8337 Progress Bar left text align doesn't seem to work?
EXTJSIV-8400 Accessibility: 'Binding a Grid to a Form' - Displaying JS error while accessing the example.
EXTJSIV-8440 Unable to add a new feed in feed viewer example
- Forms (10)
EXTJSIV-7388 Slider needs to be inverted in rtl mode
EXTJSIV-7462 Change to use tables for fields causes autoScroll to fail on FieldContainers
EXTJSIV-7890 File Field Button is invisible when in an initially hidden tab
EXTJSIV-8221 Form with standardSubmit isn't working
EXTJSIV-8229 TimeField's keystroke filtering overrides the TimePicker's min/max filtering.
EXTJSIV-8352 Fieldset titles misaligned
EXTJSIV-8463 FieldSet in RTL has incorrect margin
EXTJSIV-8467 Classic Theme in RTL : Forms : Slider Field : Unable to handle sliders in the slider filed example.
EXTJSIV-8545 Double assignment of value in form/Basic.js
EXTJSIV-8581 Combo events broken after combo.getStore().load()
- Grid (16)
EXTJSIV-5482 Locking grid does not support stateful mode
EXTJSIV-7413 A grouped and sortable grid does not save state
EXTJSIV-7653 While editing a cell in a grid, clicking on another grid doesn't change focus
EXTJSIV-8084 BufferedRenderer Grid plugin does not work properly when editing store.
EXTJSIV-8159 GroupField displays instead of ColumnName in a group header of a locked grid
EXTJSIV-8163 Grids: Infinite Grid with Remote filter: Selection focus is not responding with down arrow key in a particular scenario
EXTJSIV-8166 Grid raises an error if there is second grid with summary feature
EXTJSIV-8174 Moving a grid column causes it to disappear
EXTJSIV-8180 Locking Grid: adding column using reconfigure doesn't work
EXTJSIV-8200 Grid with CellEditing and CheckboxModel, checker width incorrect
EXTJSIV-8206 GroupStore.js onUpdate function throws a JS error
EXTJSIV-8210 Grid store listeners not cleaned up
EXTJSIV-8293 Lockable plugins should not be cloned unless required
EXTJSIV-8336 Rowbody features don't handle store record removal.
EXTJSIV-8416 Grouping grid icon stays on the left in RTL mode
EXTJSIV-8606 delayed task: delayScroll is not canceled before destroying of the Panel
- Layouts (6)
EXTJSIV-6867 vbox layout: containers aren't auto-heighting properly
EXTJSIV-7667 Table layout causes child containers using auto layout to be sized wrongly
EXTJSIV-8253 Ext.layout.container.Auto.calculateOverflow() can fail when scrolling
EXTJSIV-8323 Window header and button layout is wrong in MessageBox
EXTJSIV-8373 Buttongroup lays out wrong
EXTJSIV-8564 Click on a field in an accordion header causes the panel to collapse/expand
- Locale (2)
EXTJSIV-8190 Slovak locale inconsistency and errors
EXTJSIV-8246 Turkish locale errors
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-6672 should accept arrays
- Misc (1)
EXTJSIV-5130 Neptune theme missing resources
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJSIV-8602 selectionchange is not fired when removing selected record
- Tabs (3)
EXTJSIV-7709 RTL - Themes Example - tabs do not show text in IE7 strict
EXTJSIV-8481 Classic Theme in RTL : Tabs : Advanced Tabs : Tab title is overlapped by close and tab image .
EXTJSIV-8609 Tab strip is missing bottom border in IE6,7,8 and IE quirks
- ToolTips (3)
EXTJSIV-8345 Tooltip background wrong colour in classic theme. It's white
EXTJSIV-8346 Tooltips body should be position:relative, layout is broken
EXTJSIV-8362 Tooltip layout not shrinkwrapping content height
- Tree (5)
EXTJSIV-6824 TreePanel multiselect is working incorrectly
EXTJSIV-8150 Dropping nodes onto folders which are currently loading throws JS error.
EXTJSIV-8224 Cannot deselect rows when selmodel is MULTI and treeviewdragdrop is enabled
EXTJSIV-8232 Event signature changed: on root node
EXTJSIV-8260 Locking TreePanel autoLoads its store when regular TreePanel does not.
Total: 72
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.2.0 Beta 2
Release Date: January 8, 2013
Version Number:
Bugs Fixed
- Core (5)
EXTJSIV-8042 Ext.utils.CSS.getRule - always throws error
EXTJSIV-8064 Modal mask doesn't appear in Chrome and IE9
EXTJSIV-8079 Grid grouping labels not translated (at least for German)
EXTJSIV-8117 Portuguese locales: wrong day and month names
EXTJSIV-8136 Ext.String.repeat with negative count infinite loop
- Direct (1)
EXTJSIV-8021 Ext.Direct API methods should not be resolved at construction time
- Documentation (2)
EXTJSIV-7881 Explain interaction of reference types and configs
EXTJSIV-7992 Grid guide is not updated with 4.2 improvements
- Examples (2)
EXTJSIV-8009 Typo in desktop example
EXTJSIV-8029 Combination Examples: Web Desktop: 'More Items' sub menu is displayed on top left corner of the page when mouse hovered
- Forms (3)
EXTJSIV-6999 fileuploadfield on a form is clearing selected file path after submit button is pressed
EXTJSIV-7918 Checkboxgroup allowBlank:false and validitychange event not firing on first click
EXTJSIV-7945 Error handling issue while submitting forms with file uploads in IE9
- Grid (21)
EXTJSIV-7582 minHeight on table header causes layout faults if there is a scrollbar
EXTJSIV-7775 The hmenu-asc.gif icon for "Sort ascending" has the arrow pointing down. It's identical to the "sort descending" icon.
EXTJSIV-7895 Grouping Feature not able to show/hide columns when enableGroupingMenu: false
EXTJSIV-7949 Canceling new rows in RESTful store grid panel leaves behind a blank row
EXTJSIV-7952 Locked grid row heights fail to sync when OSX scroll bars turned off.
EXTJSIV-7961 Menus are constrained incorrectly. They should not have ownerCt configured.
EXTJSIV-7968 GroupGrid can hide all columns in certain scenario
EXTJSIV-7982 Summary feature causes errors if data is modified and view is not rendered
EXTJSIV-7983 Grouping grid headers do not always fill the horizontal space
EXTJSIV-7987 Grouping grid crash on record update
EXTJSIV-8003 Grouping grid allows grouping by last visible column
EXTJSIV-8005 Grid selection model events do not fire after reconfigure
EXTJSIV-8014 Double clicking to auto-size an unresizable column causes JS error
EXTJSIV-8038 Grid: view isn't removed from Scroll Manager when grid is destroyed
EXTJSIV-8043 Grid columns with no explicit renderer definition are not shown
EXTJSIV-8046 RowSelectionModel Keyboard navigation does not work.
EXTJSIV-8083 buffered grid checkbox selection model does not support select all
EXTJSIV-8115 hidden: true of grid column with inner columns causes error
EXTJSIV-8144 Grids : Grouping : Displaying Js error upon navigating the records in the grid in a specific scenario.
EXTJSIV-8145 Grid view refresh and toggleSummaryRow not working as expected
EXTJSIV-8161 Buffered Grids No Longer Work In Tab Panels
- Layouts (1)
EXTJSIV-7973 Layout failure in PropertyGrid
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-6032 Controller shouldn't require selector when ref has autoCreate flag
- Menu (1)
EXTJSIV-8167 checked not a boolean until rendered
- Misc (4)
EXTJSIV-5226 Focus on OK button in MessageBox
EXTJSIV-6014 Incomplete Localisation for LoadMask and AbstractView
EXTJSIV-8052 4.2.0 beta and ent-beta builds fail sencha generate app with YUI disabled
EXTJSIV-8087 Delegate Ext.Object.chain to Object.create
- Panel (1)
EXTJSIV-7981 Crash when expanding collapsed/hidden panel
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJSIV-8041 more.gif in x-toolbar-more-icon class is not RTL
- Tree (1)
EXTJSIV-7916 Tree node removeAll(true) throws exception when there's a child node.
Total: 44
New Features
- Charts (1)
EXTJSIV-5604 With multiple Column series, columns can completely obscure each other.
- Core (1)
EXTJSIV-7564 Add Ext.Object.isEmpty method
- Data (1)
EXTJSIV-7400 Added CORS support for IE (XDR)
- Forms (1)
EXTJSIV-8073 HtmlEditor should be a FieldContainer and use standard container layouts
- Layouts (1)
EXTJSIV-8072 Panel shrinkWrap should be able to include docked items in its calculation
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-7429 Controllers should be able to listen to non-Component events
- Performance (1)
EXTJSIV-8092 Data and Tree performance optimizations
- Tree (1)
EXTJSIV-7955 Trees should be able to use buffered rendering
Total: 8
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.2.0 Beta
Release Date: December 11, 2012
Version Number:
Bugs Fixed
- Charts (6)
EXTJSIV-3394 Charts - Area charts - December Month Name is missing when resize and also minimizing the chart
EXTJSIV-6011 Area chart numeric x-axis display bug
EXTJSIV-7300 Charts : Pie chart : Displaying JS error upon mouse hovering on chart legends.
EXTJSIV-7759 Chart ColumnSeries yField fails if not an array
EXTJSIV-7771 Grouped Column Chart With One Group Has Incorrect Label
EXTJSIV-7876 Charts: Line and Radar series: markers can't be styled with the renderer function
- Core (3)
EXTJSIV-4453 Method `Ext.Element.setStyle()` with `-ms-transform` does not work.
EXTJSIV-7534 Panel border: false option breaks rendering of content
EXTJSIV-7717 Internal usage of overwrites user's singleton.
- Data (2)
EXTJSIV-3455 Model constructor does not set the idProperty when the id is specified as an argument to the constructor.
EXTJSIV-7287 A grouped store should automatically resort when data modified
- Documentation (1)
EXTJSIV-7805 Ext.define function form does not support overrides
- Examples (10)
EXTJSIV-2288 Failed test: Verify the menu display when user right click on the Desktop
EXTJSIV-4842 Combination Examples - Web Desktop : Left, Center & Right alignments are not properly working for "Notepad"
EXTJSIV-5464 Combination Examples - Kitchen sink - Displaying JS error upon clicking on “Titled Tab panels”
EXTJSIV-6154 Combination Examples: Web Desktop: Notepad: Alignment is applying for whole text in text area and not just for selected line of text.
EXTJSIV-6352 Combination Examples : Feed Viewer: Tab size is not adjusting accordingly once after selecting the “Yahoo Software News” under Feeds panel
EXTJSIV-7294 Combination Examples : Calendar : Displaying JS error while saving the event.
EXTJSIV-7617 Combination Examples : Web desktop : Displaying Js error upon double clicking on "maximize" button in the "About ExtJS" window.
EXTJSIV-7658 Combination Example: Web desktop: Note pad is not displaying upon moving in a specific scenario.
EXTJSIV-7700 Grid filter menu icon missing
EXTJSIV-7882 Combination Examples : Right-to-Left (RTL) (New) : East panel getting expand and collapse when we expand the "West" panel.
- Forms (9)
EXTJSIV-4477 Ext.form.field.File: no tooltip on the upload button
EXTJSIV-5288 Forms : Shopping Cart Checkout: Unable to delete the data from the phone number and postal code fields
EXTJSIV-5672 Forms: MultiSelect and ItemSelector: Down arrow and up arrow are not functional when multiple items are selected in ItemSelector List
EXTJSIV-5856 Combination Examples : Web Desktop: Text in the notepad getting erased by clicking the "Tab" key.
EXTJSIV-6023 Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector with delimited cannot read delimited values
EXTJSIV-7085 HtmlEditor: clicking on down arrow on forecolor or backcolor button deselects text in IE
EXTJSIV-7711 Selecting same highlighted item in combo does not close listbox
EXTJSIV-7803 Down arrow on picker fields does not move focus to popup
EXTJSIV-7921 Forms: inputEl is not properly destroyed and will leak memory
- Grid (13)
EXTJSIV-5794 Grouping grid with a summary for each group and the entire grid
EXTJSIV-5817 Grids - Grouping Grid - Grouping grid displaying blank in a specific scenario
EXTJSIV-5898 Grids- Infinite scroll grid- No data is displaying upon clicking Author column header multiple times.
EXTJSIV-6144 Grouping Grid column menu items are not showing the proper checked/enabled state in all cases
EXTJSIV-6508 Grids: RESTful Store with GridPanel and RowEditor: Value under “ID” column is slightly moved down on row editor in a particular scenario
EXTJSIV-6734 Hidden grid column's height is not properly measured when wordwrap is used
EXTJSIV-7449 CellEditor does not scroll with grid
EXTJSIV-7472 Grid – Grouped Header – Able to hide all columns in a specific scenario
EXTJSIV-7630 Grid : Infinite Scrolling: Getting Js error when click on Expand / Collapse icons after selecting “Group by this field” option in the drop down menu
EXTJSIV-7827 Grid TableView's trackOver config does not honour false setting.
EXTJSIV-7853 Grids : Infinite Grid with remote filter. Load never completes if filter returned no results.
EXTJSIV-7932 CellEditing + Nav error when grid is empty
EXTJSIV-7953 Paging Grid Example: The text preview spans 2 columns instead of 3
- Layouts (8)
EXTJSIV-4345 Layout does not properly handle min/maxWidth/Height if in autoWidth/Height mode
EXTJSIV-6030 Ext.Msg.alert fails is called while layouts are globally suspended.
EXTJSIV-7591 Expand border collapsed region from floated disables further collapsing.
EXTJSIV-7593 Border layout shuffles DOM order upon layout. This causes removed items to lose layout.
EXTJSIV-7687 First panel in accordion multi layout is always expanded
EXTJSIV-7688 Unable to specify non-collapsible panels in accordion layout
EXTJSIV-7744 Switching to a shrinkwrap dimension should clear that dimension in the DOM on layout
EXTJSIV-7858 Closing a recently collapsed region in a border layout results in a removal error
- Menu (2)
EXTJSIV-7304 Button Menu width does not resize when word length changes
EXTJSIV-7823 Menu IE7 CSS issue: too wide and too white separators
- Misc (19)
EXTJSIV-4015 Charts Die at 2147483648 - Max Integer
EXTJSIV-5483 Accessibility : Binding a Grid to a Form : Active state is missing on rating radio buttons through keyboard tab.
EXTJSIV-5533 Combination Examples : Ext JS Calender - The event drag and drop is not functioning as desired
EXTJSIV-5591 JS Calendar - Unable to scroll up/down using arrow keys to select time field.
EXTJSIV-5678 [4.1 RC1] Scoped CSS Incorrect in IE7/8
EXTJSIV-5881 Tab:TabsOverflowMenu: Tabs are not seen in the drop-down in the mentioned scenario
EXTJSIV-6017 Miscellaneous : Panels : “Masked Panel with a really long title” is not displaying title when panel is collapsed in Opera 11.61
EXTJSIV-6130 Drag and Drop : Grid to Grid DnD : Displaying JS error while moving records from first grid to second grid with "Ctrl" key.
EXTJSIV-7015 Padding causes box layout overflow scroller to never disable scroll right button
EXTJSIV-7081 Offset start and limit calculated incorrectly for infinite grid
EXTJSIV-7095 Not triggered and unefficient summary update.
EXTJSIV-7207 Constrained floaters: Should maintain position but then constrain upon floatParent resize and move.
EXTJSIV-7374 RTL - Themes Example - Message Box does not show any content, just an empty frame.
EXTJSIV-7390 RTL - animation of width in rtl mode uses an incorrect anchor point
EXTJSIV-7447 Miscellaneous: Slider: 'Vertical Slider with multiple thumbs' tool tips are misplaced in a scenario
EXTJSIV-7470 Border layout: expanding collapsed region caused iframe reloading
EXTJSIV-7509 Grid column header trigger gets cut off if header text is too wide in IE6 & IE quirks
EXTJSIV-7603 Windows -> Window Variations: Constrained windows position is changing or going outside the window, when Constraining window is moved.
EXTJSIV-7776 ComponentQuery doesn't consider numeric zero as a value
- Panel (3)
EXTJSIV-5381 Panel does not open after rapid fire expand/close
EXTJSIV-7411 RTL - Themes Example - collapsed east placeholder has incorrect padding on tool.
EXTJSIV-7740 BorderLayout: 'hidden: true' is ignored if 'collapsed: true'
- Selection Model (2)
EXTJSIV-7848 SelectionModel selectionchange event triggered when not needed
EXTJSIV-7903 RowModel.onEditorTab doesn't handle cancelled beforeedit
- Toolbars (2)
EXTJSIV-5067 Toolbars and Menus: Basic Toolbar: Space between 'Choose a color' and 'Dynamically added item' menu items is more in IE compared to other browsers
EXTJSIV-7609 Toolbar overflow button has no padding-right
- Tree (2)
EXTJSIV-6399 TreeViewDragDrop plugin now has a sortOnDrop config to maintain sort state of target node.
EXTJSIV-7762 Trees: Drag and Drop Reordering: Expand/ Collapse for couple of times display JS error
- Window (1)
EXTJSIV-6341 Windows: Window Variations: Two floating windows “Constrained Window” and “Header-Constrained Window” are disappearing in a particular scenario
Total: 83
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.1.2
Release Date: September 7, 2012
Version Number:
Bugs Fixed
- Animation (2)
EXTJSIV-5214 Ext.fx.Amin only animates last element in target list
EXTJSIV-5675 animateTarget id can cause animations to fail in some cases
- Charts (12)
EXTJSIV-4699 Gauge Chart Label Click issue
EXTJSIV-6236 Columns are not bound to the x-axis
EXTJSIV-6249 Multiple issues with Time axis, Masks and Zoom
EXTJSIV-6629 chart.Chart.afterRender contains dead code
EXTJSIV-6708 Tooltip doesn't display the value on first mouseover
EXTJSIV-6789 Line carts lose style after resize
EXTJSIV-6861 Line series is not shown after disabling and enabling the legend item
EXTJSIV-6896 Bar Graph Axis become corrupted when refreshing
EXTJSIV-6901 Chart � Line Chart: All nodes are relocated at end point, when legend items are unchecked and checked
EXTJSIV-6977 Charts should restrict user from repeating category axis values
EXTJSIV-7065 Charts: Reload Chart: "Reload Data" button is not functioning
EXTJSIV-7111 Pie Charts: One of the segment does not animate when shadow is set to false.
- Core (17)
EXTJSIV-6520 scrollIntoView causes menu items to disappear in IE
EXTJSIV-6552 Instantiating local storage provider in old IE causes hard error
EXTJSIV-6571 Grid Selection Model fires mouseup event when using direction keys
EXTJSIV-6626 Ext.syncRequire() doesn't add to Ext.Loader.history the same as Ext.require()
EXTJSIV-6690 Calling Element.selectable() on labels doesn't make it selectable
EXTJSIV-6713 Ext.Element.purgeAllListeners doesn't work
EXTJSIV-6714 Ext.Function.createInterceptor can't return false value for intercepted method
EXTJSIV-6716 ExtJs 4.1.0 - XTemplate and nestled tpl for loops does not set parent values properly
EXTJSIV-6817 Dataview overItemCls only applied in dev mode
EXTJSIV-6829 Observable hasListener returns true after clearListeners
EXTJSIV-6852 Ext.dom.Helper fails to update innerHTML of THEAD in IE
EXTJSIV-6859 DomHelper.insertAfter with multiple rows always inserts the 2nd row in IE
EXTJSIV-6863 constrainTo property has no effect when window is being shown
EXTJSIV-6905 Ext.Date doesn't support 'o' and 'W' ISO-8601 formats
EXTJSIV-6928 Danish locale NumberField decimal separator incorrect
EXTJSIV-7108 setDisabled on panel during render adds class to wrong element
EXTJSIV-7175 Loader garbage collection causes IE to request script with null src.
- Data (28)
EXTJSIV-4601 Tree cannot accept a root node that is currently the root of another Tree.
EXTJSIV-5612 File uploads may fail in Opera
EXTJSIV-5677 metaData is not read in wrapped JSON (ASP.NET)
EXTJSIV-6305 Model instance shared if proxy subclass specifies a reader config object
EXTJSIV-6441 autoAppendParams ignored in buildUrl method
EXTJSIV-6483 Store's remove event is fired for each record passed - need bulkremove event
EXTJSIV-6550 store.reload() has hard error when called on empty buffered store
EXTJSIV-6614 Need spec to make sure AMF Packet can decode XMLDocument data type in AMF3
EXTJSIV-6615 Need spec to verify AMF Packet can decode headers
EXTJSIV-6616 AMF Packet has problems with floating point numbers.
EXTJSIV-6617 AMF Packet does not decode dates correctly
EXTJSIV-6622 AMF Packet needs spec for "Typed Object" data type
EXTJSIV-6623 AMF Grid Example throws "attempted to get unknown AMF3 type" error.
EXTJSIV-6663 JsonP destroy method confuses entity life cycle with object cleanup
EXTJSIV-6666 Model.idChanged Event not fired when saving phantom records
EXTJSIV-6733 Ext.view.AbstractView pollutes record's data object with associated data
EXTJSIV-6743 TreeStore does not require specified model class as does Store
EXTJSIV-6746 TreeStore nodeParam should replace "id" in requests
EXTJSIV-6753 DomQuery does not handle xml elements with namespace prefixes
EXTJSIV-6755 TreeStore CRUD read request appends "id" parameter when TreeStore's "nodeParam" parameter is already present.
EXTJSIV-6788 Datetime-fields not sent as null by Writer when not having a value
EXTJSIV-6826 does not recognize 'timestamp' field type
EXTJSIV-6831 TreeStore sometimes modifies the specified root node config
EXTJSIV-6848 Forms: MultiSelect and ItemSelector: Items are duplicated, when drag and drop the selected items under �MultiSelect Test� form
EXTJSIV-6882 AMF Ajax specs have been disabled because of relative paths.
EXTJSIV-6933 metachange event fire multiple times
EXTJSIV-6935 Typo in extjs-4.1.1/src/data/Store.js line 1768
EXTJSIV-6988 Buffered store w/ grid locks up in loading
- DataView (3)
EXTJSIV-5722 Data view : Advanced Data view : Vertical scroll bar is neither moving up/down even user selection reached end of the list.
EXTJSIV-6437 DataView: DataView: Images alignment is disturbed when only spaces are given in the image name
EXTJSIV-6858 Ext.view.View fire itemadd when adding to empty view
- Documentation (7)
EXTJSIV-5409 Ext.String.trim method is not parsing @example tag correctly
EXTJSIV-6180 Grid guide refers to old verticalScrollerType, link to Infinite Scrolling Example broken
EXTJSIV-6625 Rewrite AMF guide
EXTJSIV-6742 Window ghost config not documented
EXTJSIV-6822 Ext.util.Renderable.initRenderData should be marked as protected
EXTJSIV-6835 Several components attempt to limit the access on their inherited API
EXTJSIV-6936 Remove call to getBubbleTarget in Ext.util.Observable:enableBubble example in docs because it recurses on itself
- Draw (2)
EXTJSIV-7186 Wrong calculation of step in Ext.draw.Draw
EXTJSIV-831 Gradients not working when I extend Ext.draw.Component
- Events (1)
EXTJSIV-6047 Ext.EventManager.contains should accept raw browser event instance
- Examples (18)
EXTJSIV-6446 Combination Examples: Ext Js Calendar :First created event is getting dragged and dropped instead of second event
EXTJSIV-6447 Direct: Direct Named Arguments: When long text is entered in name fields, server response alert is shown out of the response box.
EXTJSIV-6555 Calendar incorrectly renders when date is set from midnight one day to midnight of the following day.
EXTJSIV-6601 Combination Examples : Ext JS Calendar :No horizontal gap between the fields of �When� and �Calendar�
EXTJSIV-6602 Toolbars and Menus : Overflow toolbar : User getting "Action date" alerts when user delete or enters invalid date in the action field.
EXTJSIV-6635 Forms � Shopping cart Checkout � All items in the state combo box are not displaying in a specific scenario
EXTJSIV-6638 Combination Examples - Portal Demo - Graph is disappearing upon on click on �sp500�legend items when it is in enable state
EXTJSIV-6649 Combination Examples - Feed viewer: Unable to select Column Header drop down menu after selecting �Right� option in the preview drop down menu.
EXTJSIV-6677 Embedded ItemSelector in MultiSelects are configured to persist
EXTJSIV-6703 MessageBox's initial layout to auto size itself is visible in Opera
EXTJSIV-6770 Ext.ux.TreePicker in form return RawValue after form.getValues() is called
EXTJSIV-6809 Trailing comma issue in Ext.ux.grid.filter.DateFilter
EXTJSIV-6812 MultiSelect issue with same label
EXTJSIV-6908 Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect value should be empty array if store is empty not null
EXTJSIV-6922 AMF and SOAP examples throw an error in qa environment
EXTJSIV-6929 MultiSelect.getValue with single mode selection returns array of 2 items
EXTJSIV-7012 GMapPanel creating global variable
EXTJSIV-7053 Broken link to sqlite installation page in grid filtering example
- Forms (40)
EXTJSIV-4412 URL validation do not accept localhost
EXTJSIV-5389 Form gets dirty if a textarea field contains a leading line break
EXTJSIV-5763 Disabled displayfield doesn't appear greyed out
EXTJSIV-5855 HtmlEditor: various issues related to linebreaks and font selection
EXTJSIV-5966 Clarify the documentation regarding checkboxfield checkedCls
EXTJSIV-5980 Ext.form.field.File button text french translation is missing
EXTJSIV-6128 Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor: Can not select text outside visible text part
EXTJSIV-6152 HTMLEditor Font Combo Missing and Anchor margin-bottom not applied
EXTJSIV-6219 Modal mask causes body scroll on IE7/Quirks/IFrame
EXTJSIV-6241 Field validation is not always triggered when deleting all content in IE8/9
EXTJSIV-6280 Too much top and bottom padding of form fieldset
EXTJSIV-6424 FieldContainer's absolute layout misplaced in firefox
EXTJSIV-6514 Element.getAlignToXY inaccuracy when close to right edge of viewport
EXTJSIV-6521 Focus (including selectText) on input fields not functioning correctly
EXTJSIV-6556 Focus on htmlEditor doesn't work
EXTJSIV-6595 BasicForm reset should remove reference to _record
EXTJSIV-6609 Disabled fields should not display validation errors
EXTJSIV-6652 Ext.form.field.File enable is not enabling the button
EXTJSIV-6669 Right Click Pasting does not trigger the combobox picker
EXTJSIV-6706 Timefield text input disappears on first keystroke
EXTJSIV-6711 Ext.form.field.Number change min/max Value doesn't reset maskRe
EXTJSIV-6745 Form submit modal wait message. Modal mask not hidden on return.
EXTJSIV-6771 LabelAlign top doesn't work
EXTJSIV-6772 NumberField enforceMaxLength doesn't deal with spin up/down
EXTJSIV-6777 ComboBox readOnlyCls is never applied
EXTJSIV-6793 MultiSelect/ItemSelector do not display error icon properly
EXTJSIV-6796 Text field size changes on focus / blur in IE8
EXTJSIV-6798 Picker drop downs not closed by tab key blur
EXTJSIV-6836 Japanese locale invalidates timefield when AM/PM is enabled
EXTJSIV-6874 reader and errorReader of Basic Form does not support creating by type
EXTJSIV-6890 Disabled HTML Editor Masks Entire Form in Firefox
EXTJSIV-6934 msgTarget qtip/title trigger layouts when not needed
EXTJSIV-6939 Combobox flickers before it appears for first time
EXTJSIV-6944 Fieldsets with a minHeight and collapsible collapse incorrect elements
EXTJSIV-6950 Proper css class not added when labelAlign: 'top'
EXTJSIV-6990 triggerNoEditCls is not applied to non-editable or readonly Ext.form.field.ComboBox
EXTJSIV-7000 CheckboxManager incorrectly returns checkboxes from other forms
EXTJSIV-7017 Email vtype doesn't allow single quote and other special chars within local part of email address
EXTJSIV-7020 Multi-thumb slider cannot set all values at once using setValue
EXTJSIV-7058 Forms� Shopping cart Checkout- Text fields are overlapping with respective section borders
- Grid (42)
EXTJSIV-4164 RowWrap feature CSS overrides the grid cell dirty CSS
EXTJSIV-5595 Last selected row maintains selection after unchecked on column sort
EXTJSIV-5676 rowLines : false config has no effect for locked grid
EXTJSIV-6404 [4.1] scrollByDeltaX and scrollByDeltaY methods not working on a locking grid panel.
EXTJSIV-6592 Column header CSS classes related to sort contain "undefined"
EXTJSIV-6598 Group Column hidden: true doesn't hide its child columns
EXTJSIV-6634 RowNumberer columns should default to being in the locked side of a lockable grid.
EXTJSIV-6665 Locked side of locked grid is 1px too wide, may scroll horizontally upon focus.
EXTJSIV-6691 Ext.grid.feature.GroupingView does not respect enableGroupingMenu
EXTJSIV-6695 When CheckboxSelectionModel is used in locking grid, check column is duplicated, one on each side.
EXTJSIV-6702 Grouping Feature's menu CheckItem "Show in groups" should be disabled if Store is not grouped.
EXTJSIV-6724 Wrong getEditor() call in RowModel.
EXTJSIV-6727 Columns in locked grid should be able to be not lockable.
EXTJSIV-6730 Error when editable column edited then dragged to other side of locked grid, edited again, the dragged back and edited again
EXTJSIV-6731 Grid � Locking, Group Summary Grid Example with grouped headers - Getting JS Error when tab key is pressed and hold for a while when all columns are locked state
EXTJSIV-6736 Features and plugins are always cloned to both sides of a lockable grid.
EXTJSIV-6747 Grid check box selection bug
EXTJSIV-6759 Ext.grid.header.Container:getHeaderIndex has typo in query string
EXTJSIV-6768 Grid cell editing does not update rendered elements properly in all cases
EXTJSIV-6800 Columns grid header menu needs hideOnClick set
EXTJSIV-6808 Grid sortchange fires two times on header click(sort)
EXTJSIV-6811 Position is NaN in slider when number of records < = pageSize
EXTJSIV-6820 In all header menu drop-downs,Sort Descending icon is not displaying
EXTJSIV-6839 CheckboxModel sometimes accesses element before rendering
EXTJSIV-6842 Cell Editing Grid: Displaying JS error when Delete Plant button is clicked after selecting any cell in the grid
EXTJSIV-6860 Destroying a grid during grid editing results in JS error
EXTJSIV-6875 [4.1.1 GA] RowEditing Update button initially looks enabled for invalid editor
EXTJSIV-6876 Grid with rowExpander is non-functional if a column is locked.
EXTJSIV-6914 Wrong horz scrollbar on Grid within Accordion Layout
EXTJSIV-6930 Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditingView conflicting with grouped headers in grid
EXTJSIV-6932 RowNumberer rowSpan is not applied
EXTJSIV-6985 Calling setWidth on grid header with hideHeaders:true does not resize column
EXTJSIV-6986 Cell editing restores wrong value when value is updated during edit
EXTJSIV-6989 Row updating after field edit does not update all attributes of the TDs
EXTJSIV-7014 Load options.callback called multiple times when Store is buffered
EXTJSIV-7018 Row update loses altRowCls for row striping
EXTJSIV-7046 Grid� Locking, Group Summary Grid Example with grouped headers- Displaying Blank when Schedule column is locked
EXTJSIV-7087 PropertyGrid without source throws a JavaScript error
EXTJSIV-7088 Checkbox disappears after reconfigure call on locked grid with checkbox selection mod
EXTJSIV-7092 Grid : Locking Grouping Grid with Summary and Grouped headers: "Schedule" grouped column header is still displaying even there are no columns exist in the group.
EXTJSIV-7104 With CheckboxModel selection model Header Checkbox is checked on empty store
EXTJSIV-7115 Locked grid header menu trigger disappears after a reconfigure
- Layouts (6)
EXTJSIV-5999 Overflow items do not sync with dynamic state change of toolbar. Toggle buttons represented wrongly.
EXTJSIV-6539 Collapsed regions are changing layout after floating out in a border layout
EXTJSIV-6854 Table layout - clearEl defined but not used
EXTJSIV-6925 Panel with flex 'height' less than minHeight not working correctly
EXTJSIV-6979 collapseFirst: false does not work for the accordion layout
EXTJSIV-6996 Splitters in vbox layout incorrectly read width instead of height
- MVC (3)
EXTJSIV-6662 - use Ext.Array.indexOf to find reference
EXTJSIV-6725 Controller dependencies are broken if you don't have controller in the class name
EXTJSIV-6726 views set on Ext.application will not load files
- Misc (27)
EXTJSIV-4583 Singleton is created when singleton (false) is listed
EXTJSIV-4853 Drag and Drop : Grid To Grid DnD - Tool tip is stretched while dragging the row second time.
EXTJSIV-6170 Ext.DomHelper's 'confRe' matches substrings while it shouldn't
EXTJSIV-6248 Ext.chart.Mask is broken
EXTJSIV-6356 locale update for ext-lang-it.js
EXTJSIV-6376 [4.1.0] TreePanel selectPath callback is called twice
EXTJSIV-6400 Floating components do not get destroyed when an ancestor is destroyed
EXTJSIV-6409 Field to grid example. Enable dragging fields via their label.
EXTJSIV-6537 Date picker shows a selection when picking a new month from the month picker, even though the value has not changed.
EXTJSIV-6640 If a container is draggable, Ext.resizer.Resizer does not resize the container in IE8
EXTJSIV-6728 Border Layout: collapsing or expanding a region while another region's float animation is taking place puts the layout in a weird state.
EXTJSIV-6757 New Jira Test!
EXTJSIV-6761 en_GB Locale does not localize dates in DateColumns
EXTJSIV-6819 TaskRunner quietly catches errors
EXTJSIV-6833 Ext.util.KeyNav.setConfig() assigns undefined defaultEventAction property
EXTJSIV-6834 XTemplate renders null data value as "null" but should be blank like undefined
EXTJSIV-6844 AMF Grid Example does not load in Firefox 3.6
EXTJSIV-6846 When scrolling down an infinite and locked column grid the row synchronization breaks
EXTJSIV-6851 AbstractComponent addes isContained to item configs
EXTJSIV-6864 AbstractComponent methods preFocus, beforeBlur and postBlur should be protected not private
EXTJSIV-6873 Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop dragText is not localized
EXTJSIV-6942 negativeText is not overridden in locale files for
EXTJSIV-6984 ext-lang-pt_BR.js accent is not properly encoded
EXTJSIV-7001 AbstractComponent - duplicate Ext.ComponentQuery dependency
EXTJSIV-7013 Selection disappears when scrolling in an infinite grid
EXTJSIV-7047 Grids -> Locking Grouping Grid with Summary and grouped headers: Columns are not properly aligned when initially example is loaded.
EXTJSIV-7143 Accidental global vars in Date parser and VType
- Panel (7)
EXTJSIV-6543 Collapsing a panel causes its header to appear even if "header:false"
EXTJSIV-6720 Panel header tools - "close" not set to instance of Ext.panel.Tool
EXTJSIV-6774 Adding a floating component does not trigger the add event
EXTJSIV-6779 Panel.addTool can add tool twice
EXTJSIV-6915 Placeholder does not honor titleCollapse over floating
EXTJSIV-6927 Panel placeholder collapse event fires at construction time
EXTJSIV-6997 Calling Panel.setTitle when not rendered fails to set the title
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJSIV-6937 CellSelectionModel gets JS error when Tab button is pressed after deleting last row in the grid
- Tabs (1)
EXTJSIV-6633 TabPanel's tabBar config should accept a layout config to modify the layout of the tabBar
- Theme (1)
EXTJSIV-6643 _loadmask.scss - typo in a variable name
- ToolTips (1)
EXTJSIV-6693 Using tooltips on various components throws errors when QuickTips are not enabled
- Toolbars (3)
EXTJSIV-5970 Overflowchange is not fired when a toolbar is resized and the overflow is changed
EXTJSIV-6814 Repeated button hiding causes non-responsiveness
EXTJSIV-6982 Toolbar item setText does not update text property
- Tree (14)
EXTJSIV-3758 Tree API is missing "getOwnerTree" method
EXTJSIV-3764 TreeView does not provide nodedragover event
EXTJSIV-6474 Tree node quick tip needs to be HTML encoded when rendered
EXTJSIV-6667 Tree node drag drop reordering does not invoke tree panel scroller
EXTJSIV-6681 [4.1] Poor performance of TreeStore sort
EXTJSIV-6738 Global leak in NodeInterface decorate method
EXTJSIV-6797 TablePanels with hideHeaders:true missing top border
EXTJSIV-6813 TreeGrid keyboard navigation stops working in IE9 after you expand a node using the keyboard
EXTJSIV-6856 TreeView does not always update height after expand/collapse of items
EXTJSIV-6857 Tree does not auto size using after expand/collapse with animate: false
EXTJSIV-6865 Tree add and remove methods have poor performance
EXTJSIV-6866 Dragging elements past the overflow point in a tree grid does not allow scrolling
EXTJSIV-7048 Consecutive animated expand/collapse calls on a tree node causes unpredictable corruption and JS errors.
EXTJSIV-7135 Trees� Drag and Drop reordering � Getting script error in FF browsers when �Expand All� and �Collapse All� buttons are clicked
- Window (7)
EXTJSIV-6426 CellEditors in a modal Window cause the window to be masked below its own mask.
EXTJSIV-6540 Maximized window rendered into a DIV positioned incorrectly.
EXTJSIV-6689 Align center in a window doesn't wrap text
EXTJSIV-6756 Esc will not close window with a editable grid If Esc was used to stop inline editing
EXTJSIV-6782 Modal mask for Window can cause scrollbars on the body in IE
EXTJSIV-6872 maxWidth doesn't cause any effect
EXTJSIV-6941 IconCls param ignored in
Total: 243
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.1.1 RC 1
Release Date: May 15, 2012
Version Number: 4.1.1 RC 1
Bugs Fixed
- Button (3)
EXTJSIV-5964 Buttons do not show 'pressing' animation when clickEvent is 'mousedown'
EXTJSIV-5989 Changing text in some buttons does not layout properly in Chrome 16+
EXTJSIV-6109 Button contents are cut off when using scoped CSS
- Charts (3)
EXTJSIV-5981 Bound of Area Series incorrectly calculated.
EXTJSIV-6074 Column chart with all zero data renders poorly and throws css warnings
EXTJSIV-6088 Pie chart is broken after resize
- Core (1)
EXTJSIV-6052 DragZone determines wrong target el causing subsequent JS error
- Data (4)
EXTJSIV-5988 Falsy id property lost during creation.
EXTJSIV-5993 Ext 4.1 RC3 HasOne Assocation Bug
EXTJSIV-6024 Problem in extending from a model with associations
EXTJSIV-6063 behave inconsistently when groupField is used
- DataView (2)
EXTJSIV-6082 Hidden data view breaks when updating
EXTJSIV-6110 Ext.view.AbstractView indexOf throws error if argument is invalid or null
- Documentation (1)
EXTJSIV-6112 Errors and omissions in the MVC Application Architecture guide
- Events (1)
EXTJSIV-5983 beforerender event not fired for Viewport (or component with configured 'el')
- Examples (1)
EXTJSIV-6045 GroupTabPanel ux bug - Missing lower rounded corner
- Forms (10)
EXTJSIV-5389 TextArea marks form as dirty
EXTJSIV-5458 Delete key does not work for textfield (email vtype) in Opera 11
EXTJSIV-5965 TextField placeholder text shifts up by 1 pixel on focus
EXTJSIV-5994 FieldSet label component is not available before render
EXTJSIV-6016 MultiSelect / ItemSelector : "Clear" and "Reset" Buttons are not working when all items are dragged to right panel in Item Selector Table.
EXTJSIV-6054 Spinner setReadOnly does not hide triggers
EXTJSIV-6065 TextArea special keys stop working at maxLength with enfornceMaxLength on
EXTJSIV-6081 A HiddenField occupies visible space in the form
EXTJSIV-6104 Slider readOnly has no effect
EXTJSIV-6134 Labelable insertion templates do not have access to component id
- Grid (5)
EXTJSIV-5984 [4.1 RC3] Grouping expand() not working
EXTJSIV-6057 Calling Ext.grid.Panel.reconfigure before rendering causes error
EXTJSIV-6066 Grid does not always show its loadmask properly
EXTJSIV-6083 scope has no effect on actioncolumn
EXTJSIV-6092 Grid header Container getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex does not check previous only next
- Layouts (5)
EXTJSIV-5797 Autosized tooltips are not layed out correctly
EXTJSIV-5806 Box layout fails to respect width and height percentages
EXTJSIV-5861 Fit layout does not adjust sizes based on autoScroll triggered by minHeight
EXTJSIV-6026 Splitters in HBox layouts have no height
EXTJSIV-6042 getPosition method doesn't return page coordinate
- Menu (1)
EXTJSIV-6035 Menu destroy method can cause JS error on keyNav
- Misc (1)
EXTJSIV-5982 Stacked bar/column chart leave a ghost shadow when all items are hidden
- Panel (2)
EXTJSIV-5716 Panels with min/max constraints misbehave in a box layout with stretchmax
EXTJSIV-5916 Problem with Panel.setTitle without header
- Tree (3)
EXTJSIV-6051 4.1 Grid to Tree DnD not working any more
EXTJSIV-6076 Changing TreeStore's defaultRootProperty breaks the tree
EXTJSIV-6113 TreeGrid is not repainted after the vertical scroll bar disappears
- Window (1)
EXTJSIV-6048 Frame: true should not cause a window to display badly
Total: 44
Release Notes for Ext JS 4.1.0
Release Date: April 20, 2012
Version Number: 4.1.0
Bugs Fixed
- Charts (2)
EXTJSIV-5657 Charts : Grouped Bar :Displaying Js error upon clicking on "Legends" in the "grouped bar" chart on IE9
EXTJSIV-5954 Simple Area Chart Not Working in 4.1RCx
- Core (4)
EXTJSIV-5811 Elements can't fadeIn() after fadeOut()
EXTJSIV-5846 Component id's starting with non-word characters cause JS errors
EXTJSIV-5902 Draggable and resizable images leave resize handlers at start point when moved
EXTJSIV-5958 Ext.Error toString not including the method name
- Data (5)
EXTJSIV-4957 Inconsistent signature for the Store 'datachanged' event
EXTJSIV-5809 Model fields are set to undefined or defaultValue when they should not be updated
EXTJSIV-5862 Dependency on Writer from Proxy causes JS error
EXTJSIV-5877 Store modifies the value of inline data config option
EXTJSIV-5945 getFields returns undefined
- DataView (1)
EXTJSIV-5831 Floatable TreePanel in West Border of Viewport has two left hand borders
- Draw (1)
EXTJSIV-5904 Surface.removeAll - fails to remove items from groups
- Events (3)
EXTJSIV-5193 Resize event is not fired for custom form field
EXTJSIV-5815 Error using a mixin that itself has Ext.util.Observable as a mixin
EXTJSIV-5844 Events: has been removed from 4.x
- Examples (2)
EXTJSIV-5948 Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector does not work with asynchronous loading (proxy) in ItemSelector example
EXTJSIV-5949 RC3: Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector.bindStore() method non-functioning
- Forms (8)
EXTJSIV-4978 Forms - Dynamic Forms : Unable to access Form 1, Form 2 & Form 5 when clicked on expand/collapse button and and pressed the tab key
EXTJSIV-5242 DisplayField does not respect fieldStyle
EXTJSIV-5826 Validation of timefield is not correct in Chinese.
EXTJSIV-5827 Work day is corrupt in Spanish date input
EXTJSIV-5832 Recreating an HtmlEditor makes it unable to be focused until ENTER is pressed
EXTJSIV-5906 Can't create trigger field outside of onReady
EXTJSIV-5937 CheckboxGroup has incorrect column loop
EXTJSIV-5955 Ext.form.Labelable uses a CSS class without baseCSSPrefix
- Grid (4)
EXTJSIV-5457 Grid infinite scroll: no last elements, no return to first elements
EXTJSIV-5847 Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature removes dynamically added filters
EXTJSIV-5894 GroupingSummary returns '\u00a0' when sum is equal 0
EXTJSIV-5953 TemplateColumn not updated dynamically
- Layouts (2)
EXTJSIV-5562 Horizontal scrollbar not visible when set to overflow in hbox layout
EXTJSIV-5941 Resizable Components in Absolute layouts get misplaced.
- MVC (1)
EXTJSIV-4202 Problem with building when MVC app has a custom directory structure
- Menu (1)
EXTJSIV-5804 Menu onClick does not fire in all cases
- Misc (4)
EXTJSIV-5134 Miscellaneous - Panels : "Masked Panel with a really long title" panel's UI is disturbed when clicked more than twice on expand/ collapse button
EXTJSIV-5501 Ext.Date.format breaks on wrong input
EXTJSIV-5899 Combination Examples:Ext JS Calendar:Displaying js error while creating the new event with empty date field.
EXTJSIV-5967 ElementLoader - inconsistent API (?)
- Panel (1)
EXTJSIV-5959 Panel with collapseFirst: false and closable does not display collapse tool button
- Tabs (2)
EXTJSIV-5099 Tabs - Advanced Tabs : Tabs are added without close button when clicked on "Add Closable Tab" button
EXTJSIV-5857 TabPanel children don't fire the close event
- Theme (1)
EXTJSIV-3712 TabBar background is blue in the gray theme
- Tree (2)
EXTJSIV-5908 Fast clicks in Tree can lead to duplication of entries
EXTJSIV-5952 Allow NodeInterface.decorate to expect a record instance for backward compatibility
- Window (1)
EXTJSIV-5897 Window's title will not display in IE6/7/8 when it was dragging
Total: 45